Trang chủUncategorizedThe activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

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Hello iRacer, have you ever seen your activities suddenly marked with a question mark next to them and not updated to your event? And if this is the case, how will you handle it?

The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

First, the fact that your activity is marked with a question mark (?) is a sign that you are violating one or more of the rules of the race you are participating in, as shown in the image below.

The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

  • Number 1 (green): The abbreviation of the event you are participating in, the activity that violates the rules of any event, it will appear here.
    Number 2 (orange): What is the reason for the offending activity. Read it and you’ll know the reason why you don’t get results.

In most cases of this message, you won’t be able to process anything and the activity will be disqualified altogether. However, if you get only one “Private Activity” error as shown below, you still have a chance to get your results updated again.

The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

To update the results again, first you need to delete the offending activity from your account by going to your Personal Profile here, find the activity you want to delete, click on “Delete” button next to the activity, as shown below.

The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

Once you’re done deleting, go to Strava. Go to You tab > Select the activity to edit > Click the 3 dots > Edit > Find the “Who can see” section > Select Everyone. Click Save to finish.

Hoạt động trên iRace có dấu chấm hỏi (?) là bị gì ?
Click to enlarge the image.

You do the same for other reported violations.

To make sure any future activity is automatically made public, take this one step further:

Go to Settings > Privacy controls > Where You Appear, select all to Everyone

strava 1 - The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

After editing, go back to and click “Sync activiy > Strava” Enter the activity IDs in the blank box according to the instructions to synchronize.

The activities on iRace show question mark (?) is there any problem?

If you don’t know how to get strava activity ID, read this guide now


  • Each activity is only updated every 30 minutes
  • For the event that has ended, re-synchronizing the results will not change the results, you must perform the synchronization again before the tournament ends to be counted.

So you already know how to handle the question mark (?) message. After that, remember to carefully read the Running Rules to comply with the regulations.

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