While syncing on iRace is now fully automatic once you’ve properly connected Strava and Google Fit, there are still times when syncing doesn’t work, when can you use the feature? This manual sync on iRace should take care of the problem completely.
Instructions on how to use manual sync
To start using, go to Profile > Add manual activity (Or quickly access this link: https://app.irace.vn/upload-activity)
At the interface that appears the Type of activity section, select the type of activity you are participating in (Ride, Run, Swim…).
- Only the activities you participate in will be displayed, so the options will be slightly different for each person. You just need to enter the information in the corresponding blank boxes
- This tool only works while the tournament is in progress, if the tournament you entered has ended you will not be able to use it anymore.
With this manual update, you can rest assured that your activity is not missing or not updated anymore, this update applies to all accessories that are not currently supported on iRace. As long as you take pictures of all the evidence, it’s fine. Good luck.